A warning for Opensim forum owners and bloggers! Opensim faces a dire new threat - a trojan horse that is set to undermine Opensim.
That threat goes by the name Euro, Eurominuteman, Eurominuteman Jamesom, James O'Reilly, James P O'Reilly, EIConsulting Jameson.
Euro posts to blogs, especially Opensim Blogs and drowns them with spam, irrelevant comments, and obscure links.
Bloggers beware, he can render your comments section to a quagmire of irrelevant content, little of which, actually relates to your post. Your blog will be reduced in visibilty in google search results.
Method 1 - Post many comments of questionable relevance
The title of this blog is Clouds help propel OpenSim growth, another of Maria Korolov's original and well written commentaries of Opensim based worlds.
Of 13 comments, 7 belonged to Eurominuteman. Euro displays his typical strategy - post links to unrelated content. When asked for clarification, he just posts another link to irrelevant material.
Method 2 - discredit Opensim community members
"For the purpose of hypergrid businesses, Maria Korolov’s dubious statistical approach is a dis-service for Opensim." - Eurominuteman, 16 October, 2011
This was in response to Gaga Gracious on Predicting the Metaverse in 2011.
This is an outrageous comment. This is a divide and rule tactic I believe
Method 3 - Google poisoning , diluting Opensim search results with link spamming and comments
Original post: http://iliveisl.com/the-power-of-apology/
These are comments to a blog post by Ener Hax on ilivisl.com. It is worrying that Eurominuteman is permiitted to persist.
Are you a blogger or forum owner that has banned this spammer? If so lets hear from you.